The “Title” will be used on the front end as the main fee title.
Select the preferred fee “Input type” from the list.
Specify the option “Title”;
Select the “Price type”. It can be either Fixed or Percent-based;
Add price value;
If a fee type allows creating several values, add more values the same way using the “Add fee option” button.
“Fee is onetime” - if the Onetime ****checkbox is selected, the fee will be added only once, despite the quantity of the products added to the cart.
“Fee is required” - select this checkbox if you don’t allow shoppers to proceed to the Checkout without selecting a fee option.
“Description” - add a description text to describe what a fee stands for. The description will show up for clients as a question mark to hover over.
“Fee product property name” - add a text that will be used as a prefix for the generated property of a fee product. I.e. the app will pull out the name of the parent product automatically, while you can specify the name of the prefix. For example, "Fee for [Product_Name]", "Tax for [Product_Name]”.