Here is a quick checklist you should follow while creating a fee:

  1. To start the process, click the “Create fee” green button in the top right corner of the app admin.
  2. Decide on the fee type - Product or Cart fee.
  3. Add fee details:

The “Title” will be used on the front end as the main fee title.

Select the preferred fee “Input type” from the list.

  1. Add fee options:

Specify the option “Title”;

Select the “Price type”. It can be either Fixed or Percent-based;

Add price value;

If a fee type allows creating several values, add more values the same way using the “Add fee option” button.

  1. Add “Conditions”. If no conditions are provided, the fee will apply to all products.
  2. Add restrictions based on locations if needed.
  3. Decide on fee settings:

Fee is onetime” - if the Onetime ****checkbox is selected, the fee will be added only once, despite the quantity of the products added to the cart.

Fee is required” - select this checkbox if you don’t allow shoppers to proceed to the Checkout without selecting a fee option.

Description” - add a description text to describe what a fee stands for. The description will show up for clients as a question mark to hover over.

Fee product property name” - add a text that will be used as a prefix for the generated property of a fee product. I.e. the app will pull out the name of the parent product automatically, while you can specify the name of the prefix. For example, "Fee for [Product_Name]", "Tax for [Product_Name]”.

  1. Upload an image for a fee product, or select a fee product from your catalog in the Advanced Settings section. More info can be found here.