Cross-selling in Shopify refers to the practice of promoting related or complementary products to a customer based on what they are currently viewing or purchasing.

To create a cross-sell offer (product recommendations) click on Create offer button and select Cross-sells in the pop-up with the offers’ types.

Offer name

Internal name of your offer.

How to display the cross-sell offer

This setting defines how to show the product recommendations:



Here you can choose the trigger products and products recommendation for them. You can add the product either with specific variants or all variants.

To change a position of a product in the bundle, just use the drag&drop icon and move the product to the necessary position.

To remove a product, click the X symbol.


Customize offer

To change the title and the description of the bundle offer block on the storefront, switch to Translations tab within the offer. See more details in the Translations section

Active dates