Our app supports the languages added in your Shopify store in Settings → Languages. Once you add a new language to your store, it will be available in our app for the translations. All published and unpublished languages will be available in our app.

<aside> 💡 Note that if you do not specify the translations for a certain language the English translations will be used.


Offer’s translations

To change the current texts or translate the bundle block to any available language do the following:

  1. open an offer for editing;
  2. switch to the Translations tab;
  3. select the necessary language in the drop-down and add the translations.


Global translations

To change the current translations or translate the app to any available language do the following:

  1. go to Settings page in the app;
  2. switch to the Translations tab;
  3. select the necessary language in the drop-down and add the translations.


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