Themes section

In that section, you can activate the app on any theme installed at your store. You just need to select the target theme and save the changes on the theme editor page you’ll be redirected to.

Please note that this is a required step to make the app function.

Upsell & Cross-sell | themes.png

General section

Within this section, you can control the way offers show up on the front end.

You can decide whether upsell/cross-sell products should show up as a popup or as a list and limit the number of offers within a single popup. Also, you can enable the QTY input fields for the promoted products.

The Styling subsection allows you to decide about the design. You may either use the default store’s styling scheme or customize it.

Upsell & Cross-sell | general.png

Text localization section

Within this section, you may translate all the app labels showing up on the front end to any other language or simply rename them in accordance with your preferences.

Upsell & Cross-sell | text localization.png


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