
This type of the offers typically implies a commonly recognized or traditional combination of products or services that go well together. Often seen as "Frequently Bought Together" or "Customers Also Bought" sections on product pages.

To create a bundle offer click the Create offer button and choose Bundles.

Offer name

Internal name of your offer.

Products in offer

Here you can choose the products you want to add to your bundle offer. You can add the product either with specific variants or all variants. For every product you can specify a quantity of the product in the bundle.

To change a position of a product in the bundle, just use the drag&drop icon and move the product to the necessary position.

To remove a product, click the X symbol.


Display on

Here you can choose the products you want to show to the bundle offer on. You can choose “Specific products” and manually select the products. If you keep “Products in offer” option, it will display the bundle offer block on the products chosen in “Products in offer” section. That’s the recommended option to show your customers the available offers of the products they view.



This section allows you to create a discount for purchasing the products in the offer at once. You can add a fixed or percentage discount. You also need to specify a discount code, which will be used in the automatic discount for the bundle.


<aside> 💡 Our app uses Shopify automatic discounts applied using Shopify functions. Shopify functions guarantees the correct work during the order checkout. Note that you should not remove Mageworx Bundle App Function in the Discounts section in your Shopify admin panel. If you removed it accidentally, go to our app’s settings and just click Save button.



Customize offer